

12 Responses to About

  1. Kathy Monacelli says:

    Safe travels. I’ll be following you on-line. You’ve set quite the itinerary – looking forward to reading this!

  2. Dan Emrick says:

    Good luck and safe travels to both of you. Should be an incredible journey for you guys as well as for those us us following along.

  3. Auntie Cindy says:

    Surprise, surprise I found the “blog”. Have a safe journey and a wonderful time. I will keep checking on your progress. Remember take good care of each other. Love you both.
    Auntie Cindy

  4. Matthew, Amiee, Caden, Chloe, and Lily Conner says:

    Super excited to read about your travels! Love you guys and be safe 🙂

  5. Your Bankers says:

    We are all excited for you two, take lot’s of pictures and enjoy!!! Let us know if you need anything.

    Happy traveling!

  6. Laura says:

    Hi! I would like to swap links with your site. My blog is http://www.travelocafe.com. I’ve already added you under my “Links” section on my page. Please send me the description you favor for your site. Thank you!
    I’m also looking for guest bloggers. Please let me know if you’d be interested in being featured on Travelocafe.
    Regards, Laura

  7. Chris Sowa says:

    Unbelievable I am really excited for the 2 of you. Enjoy and be safe
    Mrs Sowa

  8. Salz says:

    Hey guys, your blog posts have been fun to read. It looks like you’re having a blast in Africa! I recently got Skype installed on my computer, so we should try to schedule a time for a video call if you’re interested. I realize this may have to wait until you’re in a country that has reliable internet connection. Let me know…

    Enjoy the rest of your safari,

  9. esazama1 says:

    Your pictures are incredible! Some of them could even be professional! I hope you’re having a good time and I miss you! I just got a blog too! (for a marketing class at school) Here is the link: elisesazama.wordpress.com. Keep up on all these fun posts, they’ve been a great read!

    Love you both!

  10. Ayoung says:


    I’d like to invite you to participate in my research: “What Do Bloggers Want to Preserve? Defining the ‘Essence’ of User-Generated Content for Preservation.” This study will gain an understanding of how bloggers value their blogs and what elements bloggers think are important for preservation.

    You are being asked to participate because your blog posts are tagged as being related to the theme of travel in one of the blog-hosting services and because your blog is not hosted by any commercial agency. Your participation is completely voluntary.

    The survey is NOW OPEN and will remain open until midnight (EDT) 20 April 2011. If you are interested and would like to part in take the survey, please visit this URL: http://bloggersurvey.web.unc.edu/

    Thank you in advance for considering participation in my study, and please
    feel free to pass along this survey to others who might be interested!
    Ayoung Yoon
    Doctoral Student
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    School of Information and Library Science

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